Sunday, March 12, 2023

I'm Here Methinks

I came to this site on a totally unrelated matter, and then I realized it's been over seven years since last I published anything here. I haven't lost focus, however, technology advances on the order of Moore's Law have passed me by, and I haven't felt that I've had anything clever or witty to say lately.

 I do have a life outside of sitting at the computer and cranking out words that when put together make some semblance of sense, and the last post was going to be the start of a series, as time travel has always fascinated me.

However, the need to do other things like work has precluded me from acquiring the requisite money to make the above mentioned movie a success. That's not to say that it won't get made somehow, however, I'm not a charity, and people won't work free. They need to be paid. 

That's the bar. I could post a relatively low budget movie spreadsheet here, and state that at current prices, The Watchmaker, or, Watchmaker depending on whom you ask, could be made for around a half a million dollars USD. No, not USDT, or BTC, or even ETH.

That's right, while I was absent from this site, the cryptocurrency phenomenon has exploded, and it seems like every Chinese 'bot in the guise of a beautiful woman has targeted me as a dupe, and I seem to be approached by one or two of these on a daily basis. I'm almost at the point wherein I'm giving up my Facebook account completely, however, it's truly the only way I can get paid work to earn a modicum of a pittance in order to eat for a few days and keep a roof over my head. 

I tell them that I have no money, and they reply, "No problem! You can borrow some!!!" Well, last I checked, that requires some sort of decent credit rating, and the ability to pay back what you borrow eventually. Pandemic free money not withstanding. Yes, I collected a lot of that, and as a good person I was giving it away left and right to those that came up with some sort of believable sob story.

I did manage to find a somewhat paying gig before the pandemic started, and that's how I got all the free pandemic money in the first place. However, my advancing age precludes me from working more than 2 or 3 times a week, and I don't have reliable transportation either. That was one of the questions on the job application. I was under the false impression that Metro Net in this city was reliable at the time, so without thinking I wrote down, "Yes."  I think it was actually a checkbox. 

I read somewhere that the mysterious "they" are going to either declare the pandemic over, or lift all the restrictions on May 11th. That's 2023 in case you're wondering, and you read this after the fact, in which case most of the above will be irrelevant. 

This here blog thing is supposed to either inform or amuse you, as that's what they tell you when you get one. I can't truly say that I've done that, as that's for you to decide. 

Oh, and in case you were wondering, this is not a de facto plea for donations for me to make my next short film. I'm doing that elsewhere ;) <3

72 and Sunny in Redondo Beach. 

I'll let you guess which one....

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